Saturday, July 14, 2012

Our journey Part I (My Inspiration)

One huge advantage I have found in the Autism community is the strength that comes among those that are able to share their journey along the way. One of my biggest inspirations for my children's book was to share my story in a way that can also make a difference but also to connect with so many more families on the same road. So in sharing not only my book but also our journey, I feel the strength that comes from the community of families working together to make a wonderful life for their children. Please add to the discussion! I would love to hear from you and your child!

Our journey started about 2 years ago. I began noticing some different behaviors in my son that were increasing. After a very hard few months with my husband traveling a lot, several severe episodes, and increasing anxiety the conversation began between my husband and I about looking for help. Our first course of action was to go through the Child Find evaluation. Child Find is our early intervention program through our school district. The whole time before that, my thoughts ranged from: "they are just going to say he is a strong-willed child," "no need to worry, he just has a different personality," etc... I did not think he would qaulify for services for sure; however, only after about 30 minutes into the evaluation, one of the evaluators brought up the question "have you considered testing for Autism?" the unfortunate part was that my husband had an out-of-town business trip which he had to leave for half way into that evaluation. Therefore, with 2 kiddos in tow, I had to receive their feedback by myself while trying to keep the kiddos entertained. I am a therapist that works with children on the spectrum, and yet it was still so difficult for me as a parent to see the things that were apparent to others. In the back of my mind, these realizations came when my second child was born. They were such different children in behavior and personality.
These things prompted me to go through the Child Find process, but I still did not think I would hear those words. After receiving that feedback, hearing that my son would qualify for preschool with OT, speech,and behavioral intervention, we embarked on the testing journey.

I work for a clinic that provides developmental testing, so I knew the process. However, it was still daunting. There are only 3 facilities in my area that do developmental testing with private insurance. Children's Hospital being one of them, but I already knew they had an incredibly long wait. We waited for 7 months to have an evaluation. It was difficult sitting through the testing with my son, because I could see how uncomfortable he was with strangers, the demands of the tasks, and his unfamiliar environment. I wanted to rescue him from the demands and his anxiety. I have learned over the past couple years, that I am completely normal in my desires to rescue him, but the balance comes when I strive to help him become comfortable within himself through the things that life brings along. That means I can't always rescue him, but in a way when I provide him with opportunities to grow and adapt, I am still rescuing him just in a different way.

After receiving the feedback and 3 diagnoses, I was overwhelmed. Working in the field, I understood everything they were saying to me, but it was still difficult to hear. The questions started coming all at once in my mind. How can I help him? What do I need to be doing? What have I been doing wrong? So we began as a family to educate ourselves even more and begin to find the best intervention for my precious gift of child, my son. But one thing rang true and still does today. My son was the same precious little boy yesterday as he was the day we received the label. The label only helps us to understand him better and learn ways in which to reach him from his point of view in the best way possible to help him to adapt and grow as who he is!

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